
Wasteland 2 Best Starting Party

Munin wrote:And thank you for giving me your current political party setup, I wish more people did. It is very interesting to see the logic behind it!

Glad yous enjoyed it. Information technology'south fun to lay out my thought process and really prissy when it'southward appreciated.

Tin anyone help me explain how grouping charisma works atm? If it works at all?

I haven't seen it in action in the game, but here'due south how information technology was explained to us: Grouping Charisma is the total Charisma of all your party members, and sure things have a threshold. Some NPCs will non join your group if your GC isn't loftier enough. Certain events or quests may non be available if your GC is not high plenty. For example, a beautiful lady may want to rent bodyguards to protect her from rapists on the way to the barn dance, merely require a GC of at least ten for that conversation choice to unlock. If your party consists entirely of guys with 1 and 2 Charisma, your GC would fall below 10, and she would expect at y'all and recollect, "Well, they all wait like rapists." But if you lot have a couple 4s and 5s in in that location, or even just one guy with an 8, your GC will go over 10 and she volition think, "Well, these guys don't await too bad," or, "At least I can trust that guy." and the quest option will unlock.

Are you sure it is in the game?

The manual says it is. Haven't seen it in action myself.

As well interesting to see that the Tank (maxed out strength guy) moron is a very populair character

As a side note, I watched Blazing Saddles simply before Wasteland ii funded. I immediately started thinking about a character based on Mongo. "If you shoot him, you'll simply make him mad." Diego is dissimilar, just non much. :)

So far I must say that this one is the one who suprised me the about concerning stat choices, I d dear to see the reasoning behind this squad

You asked for information technology!

Political party Design Objective: as closely and respectfully as possible, create four characters to approximate the characters played by the Four Marx Brothers in their early films, especially the earliest Paramount era. Sketch a backstory similar to those they used. In particular, endeavour to contain any themes that are seen in multiple films. Adapt everything so that information technology fits reasonably well in the Wasteland universe and with the Wasteland 2 story in particular, i.e. at least make it marginally plausible that Vargas would ship these characters on this mission. Making an really effective and useful party is an absolute last priority.

02 Coordination - Not clumsy by concept, but points had to be cut somewhere to increment mental stats.
02 Luck - Unforseen complications often plagued Groucho's relatively straightforward schemes.
04 Awareness - The almost likely Brother to see trouble coming. All the same not exactly eagle-eyed.
02 Forcefulness - The short-statured Brothers were frequently willing to fight, just were unremarkably outmuscled.
02 Speed - Not dull by concept, but points had to be cutting somewhere to increment mental stats.
06 Intelligence - Not just sharp in conversation, only also in comprehension of plot points.
x Charisma - The defining attribute of the entire group in my opinion. Groucho's feats of charm in the films are beyond unbelievable. This is a man who can walk into a room of hostile university professors, insult them to their faces, sing a vocal most how much he hates them, and accept them line up to milkshake his hand afterwards. This is a homo who can telephone call a woman fatty and ugly to her face, repeatedly and relentlessly, and yet charm her out of millions of dollars. This is a man who can depict a forthcoming pogrom of corruption, tyranny, and hypocrisy for an entire nation under his command, and be greeted with louder thank you from the crowd for every crime he announces.

Leadership - 1 - Obviously he is capable of inspiring others. This should eventually exist maxed.
Perception - 1 - Once more, the well-nigh probable Brother to notice what is going on.
Smart Ass - 2 - Again, fast talk is a defining facet of Groucho'due south idiom. This should be maxed too.
Field Medic - 1 - Although not actually a doc, he will be forced into this role and acquire past trial and error.
Surgeon - i - Although not actually a md, he will be forced into this role and learn by trial and error.

A further note on medicine: "Doctor" Scorpion does not accept existent medical training, but in the context of the game he volition try things and it will plow out that the patient was not every bit desperately hurt as was kickoff thought. For example, it appears that Harpo has been shot. Groucho will grab the iodine and set to utilize it, and Harpo will jump up and run away, because iodine stings! Turns out Harpo is fine. On to the next run into.

04 Coordination - Slippery fingers.
08 Luck - The simply explanation for his connected survival as a criminal.
03 Awareness - Dull-minded, but watchful for danger or criminal opportunity.
02 Force - The brusk-statured Brothers were oftentimes willing to fight, but were usually outmuscled.
03 Speed - Not peculiarly athletic.
02 Intelligence - Largely out of touch with reality. Extreme comprehension difficulties in any conversation or line of report.
06 Charisma - Moments of surprising coercive power. "Who are you gonna believe: me or your ain optics?" Besides, the only man alive who can shut down Groucho.

Kiss Ass - 1 - A bizarre, pun-laden still deadpan, roundabout way of talking that acts as a counterpoint to Groucho'south fast talk.
Bladed Weapons - 1 - In the context of Wasteland, blades are a proficient weapon of pick for career criminals.
SMG - 1 - Again, it just seems appropriate for a slippery criminal of this blazon.
Alert Disarming - 1 - Criminal background.
Lockpicking - one - Criminal background.
Safecracking - i - Criminal background.

LUCKY - Harpo
08 Coordination - Very physically agile, sometimes acrobatic.
06 Luck - Despite constant reckless beliefs, tends to avert all consequences.
02 Sensation - Mostly slow and oblivious.
02 Strength - The brusque-statured Brothers were often willing to fight, but were commonly outmuscled.
08 Speed - Slippery as hell. Constantly on the run from authorities, never caught. G: "If you wanna proceed him up in your room, y'all'll have to keep him in a trap." C: "Can't catch him."
01 Intelligence - Misinterprets instructions. Constantly jumps into unsafe or undesirable situations. Often portrayed as well-nigh mindless.
01 Charisma - Often ridiculed by the others for existence and then ugly. Many women scream and run at the sight of him. Children laugh at him (not with him). Also, cannot speak or write. Basically cannot communicate at all with anyone except his partner Chico, and even so merely through complicated mime.

Animal Whisperer - 1 - Harpo fabricated much better friends with animals than with humans. He had a detail affinity for horses just can just equally hands utilize this to goats or seals.
Castling - 1 - This represents not haggling ability, but the fact that he is constantly stealing, clipping a few dollars' worth of loot with every transaction.
Blunt Weapons - 1 - Despite existence pocket-sized, Harpo was good at knocking out enemies with a blackjack.
Heavy Weapons - 1 - In the context of Wasteland, where explosions are concerned, Harpo is the nearly appropriate brother for such sensational tasks.
Demolitions - 1 - In the context of Wasteland, where explosions are concerned, Harpo is the most advisable brother for such sensational tasks.
Toaster Repair - 1 - Non repairing but breaking open. There's something clownish about this skill, and Harpo obviously is the biggest clown. He would discover a way.

04 Coordination - Generally practiced at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.
04 Luck - Generally good at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.
04 Sensation - Generally practiced at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.
04 Strength - Mostly proficient at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.
04 Speed - Generally proficient at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.
04 Intelligence - By and large good at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.
04 Charisma - By and large adept at everything with no outstanding strengths or weaknesses.

Outdoorsman - 2 - Part of the backstory. As the Rangers' assigned desert escort to Groucho, it just makes sense for Zeppo to have survival skills.
Assault Rifle - 2 - Most likely to use a versatile weapon and exist an splendid shot with it. Fits the babysitter concept.
Brawling - ane - The only Blood brother to actually punch someone out in whatever of the films.
Field Medic - i - Once more, backstory, it just makes sense for him to have expert support skills.

Last thoughts: Again, this party wasn't really intended for play, but I might give them a shot if I exercise several playthroughs. The idea would be to neglect comedically whenever possible and see how the game reacted. Instance, instead of saving a drowning child, the Brothers might throw him a life preserver and clonk him on the caput, causing him to drown. The situations in Wasteland are much darker and more violent than in any of the films, but if taken in the right spirit could still be more than or less true to the Brothers' idiom. Also note that none of the characters have the Computer skill and would non take it - it doesn't seem correct for the Brothers to be good at that kind of thing. It'd be fun to run into how that inverse opportunities in the game. Actually information technology might be fun to remove Outdoorsman from Zeppo and replace it with more weapon skills. The idea of a Ranger team who didn't really know how to bargain with desert survival could exist pretty hilarious, and very appropriate for this type of story.

Wasteland 2 Best Starting Party,


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